Content Writing Tools

There are many free and paid content writing tools available for all levels of writers. I am going to share my writing tools I have used since I started my travel blog.

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Remember that everything I am writing under my Travel Blogging sections is my personal experience that I achieve in many years of blogging. The information is provided just to help other travel bloggers and beginners.

Why Content Writing Tools are Important

Blogging is incomplete without good content. Using content writing tools helps you in correcting spelling, punctuation, grammar and improves your sentences. We usually don’t consider it while writing offline. Tools make it easy for bloggers to write creative content what they have in mind and without looking at the correction part.

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Writing is a skill that improves with reading and writing. It is said that practice makes a man perfect. So, same here it applies. After doing a lot of writing practice now I can write fairly not like a pro-writer but enough to convey my message. I am using the best content writing free tools that are available for travel bloggers, writers, and editorial.

My list of top Content Writing Tools

1. Grammarly

Why Grammarly? This is one of the most advanced writing tools and my favorite one. The best part of Grammarly is you can save your document online and can access it from anywhere. I am using the free version of Grammarly. Its artificial intelligence did a great job in fixing and improving the sentences and also provides you the overall score and performance of your content. This is my first tool that I used to create content.

To use click on Grammarly. Sign up for specials discounted price.

2. Word Counter

Once you have completed your documents you can put your content into the word counter tool. It provides information like the number of words, characters, sentences, paragraphs, reading level, reading time, speaking time. Also, it has some content optimization tools that show the Keyword density. Word Counter can be used to evaluate the overall quality of the content as per the reader and search engines.

To use click on Word Counter.

3. Convert Cases

That’s not any writing tools but it’s on my list. Yes, I used this tool to change the case of sentences. I use this tool when I have to change the text formation like upper to lower or vice-versa, it’s very interesting and fast. Give it a try you will understand Why this is for?

To use click on Convert Cases.


This is the first choice of any pro-writer. It gives you a similar option to Word Counter. It has some very unique features too. By pasting your content in this tool you will be able to know where my content requires an update. Its advanced features show a readability grade, adverbs, passive voice, phrases, sentences that are hard to read, and sentences that are very hard to read. By fixing it all you improve the quality and engagement of your content.

To use click on Hemingway.

5. Yoast

Yoast is another content optimization tool. It WordPress plugin use by many SEO experts. This tool is designed to improve our Search Engine Keywords ranking. All the suggested information is only to aim for a better ranking of content. So, this is a very powerful tool that I used to optimize my all published content.

content writing tools for seo

Yoast shows the readability score, Subheading distribution, Flesch Reading Ease score, Consecutive sentences, Paragraph length, Sentence length, Transition words, use of Passive voice. Find the screenshot below.

To download click on Yoast.

6. Plagiarism Tool

It is always a good practice to check content duplicate. Copyscape and is one the popular tools but it’s paid so you can use its alternate. I use Grammarly for Plagiarism check.

Here are the some –

Many of us would have been aware of all these tools and many of them not. So, If you have not been using a content writing tool for your blog. You must give it a try and start writing. Leave your feedback in the comment section.

Deepak Patel
Hi, I am Deepak Patel, An Indian travel blogger. Like the name of my blog, I always seek for some thrilling travel experienced, especially in undiscovered places of India. My objective is to show you all the real ancient India which possess lots of historical wealth that we should know about. Whatever, I achieved through my travels, I share with my readers to let them have a better knowledge about the real, untouched natural and historical beauty of the my land India.