Significance Of Wearing Nose Ornaments

An Indian wedding would be incomplete without beautiful jewellery.

Bangles, forehead tikkas, mangalsutra necklaces, toe rings, gold belts, earrings and nose jewels are popular wedding ornaments. Each piece has its own cultural significance and meaning.

In this post, I’ll share three nose jewels that symbolize marriage.

Today we see a young and older woman wear nose jewels. However, this tradition dates back to about 1250 A.D. in Sanskrit literature.

1. The Nose Ring

Nose Ring

During the 16th century Mughal days, the nose rings started to gain popularity. A married woman would generally wear a nose ring in the left nostril. This meant that once the husband had passed away, the window stopped wearing the nose ring.

The nose ring is also known as the “nath”, which means “lord, master, protector, husband.”

Nose rings are usually made with precious metals such as gold and silver. Heavier nose rings are attached by a chain to the hair or other head ornaments for support.

There are also superstitions related to the nose ring. When a girl child is born, her nose is bored. The nose piercing is believed to be a “deformity” to keep evil spirits away.

2. The Nose Stud

Nose Stud

The nose stud is also known as laung, meaning “clove” or phuli, meaning “little flower.” In South India, the nose stud is known as mukkuththi.

Nose stud can relatively large and ornate depending on local customs and cultural requirements. The nose stud can be as simple as a gold hook with a delicate decorative head. If you prefer a bit more sparkle, a diamond nose stud is a classic and timeless piece.

For a unique look, colored single gemstone nose studs with your birthstone or your husband’s birthstone may be a great choice.

The back of a nose stud has a post that passes through the nostril. The nose stud is then secured with a nut-and-screw mechanism.

3. The Septum Ornament

Septum Nose Ornament

The septum ornament is probably the most traditional of all nose jewels. A hole is pierced between the nose septum. The ornament then is inserted through this septum hold and hangs over the mouth.

The septum ornament can be discomforting as you’ll need to lift the ornament while eating.

Just like the nose stud and the nose ring, septum nose jewels can be very decorative and are made with precious gold or silver metal.

What are the Benefits of Nose Piercing as per Ayurveda and Astrology?

In our Indian culture, ancient Ayurveda beliefs that women wearing a nose ring not only make them beautiful but also help them in lessening pain at the time of their menstrual cycle and childbirth.

In India when a girl’s child is born it says “Laxmi” has come to our home. Laxmi is Goddess in Hindu Culture known for wealth and prosperity. So, its belief that when girls wear a nose ring it gave their family positive energy and eliminates the bad effects.

Deepak Patel
Hi, I am Deepak Patel, An Indian travel blogger. Like the name of my blog, I always seek for some thrilling travel experienced, especially in undiscovered places of India. My objective is to show you all the real ancient India which possess lots of historical wealth that we should know about. Whatever, I achieved through my travels, I share with my readers to let them have a better knowledge about the real, untouched natural and historical beauty of the my land India.


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