Varanasi smart city plan

As we all know the city Varanasi is one of the oldest historical cities in the world whose existence still prevalent. Ideally, this holy city is located on the brink of holy River Ganga where people take a holy dip and free from all sins. Our Epics also consider the significance of this holy river. This river is considered as form of deity and brought by the deep mediation of Rishi Bahgirath.

This city is assumed most safe even on doom’s day and priest believes that there is less possibility of havoc scene. Alternatively, People have known it as Kashi where Lord Shiva resides. Hindu Masses considers it as one of the best pilgrim of the world. Obviously, to visit this place one soul’s gets optimum level of satisfaction. The people who put the ancestor’s ashes and bone in rapid flowing water of this river get the pathway of heaven. My Mind was eager to write about this city’s post because the day of Shradh is executing. Hence, these days enhance the importance of this city compare to other general days.

Leave the old History and religious significance on the bay. Let us talk about recent discussion of two countries India and Japan. Japan’s capital is Kyoto which is the developed city in the world. Our country makes a determination for crafting the business relationship in future. There has been getting a lot of evidence that Kyoto is religious city from long arena. In the some extent Japanese are indirectly related to India’s Tradition because they follow Buddhism. Buddha Religion had originated from India’s city which is known as Sarnath. Prominent Place Sarnath is only 10 km far from Varanasi and here beneath of tree he has gotten enlighten.

So, I am highly obliged to The God that gives me pleasure to take birth under the radius of this Holy city Varanasi which is just 100 km far my Home Town Sonebhardra. So, you may consider that are is loaded with Aluminum ore “Bauxite”. I am able to know the tradition and culture of Buddha (Which is prevalent in Minority level.)

These two cities have many things similar like both are situated alongside of river. Varanasi have lots of temple, consequently it is also called as temple town while Kyoto is called the city of 10,000 shrines.

To turn whole city it not an uphill task because it’s very populated, narrow roads and it has tiny facet of temple established all around the leading city.

I wish for the best and would like to see the change in this cultural heritage site into modern city, Varanasi.

Deepak Patel
Hi, I am Deepak Patel, An Indian travel blogger. Like the name of my blog, I always seek for some thrilling travel experienced, especially in undiscovered places of India. My objective is to show you all the real ancient India which possess lots of historical wealth that we should know about. Whatever, I achieved through my travels, I share with my readers to let them have a better knowledge about the real, untouched natural and historical beauty of the my land India.