Girls Vs Globe

Sabina currently lives in London which she love the city because it’s so cosmopolitan and lively, not to mention absolutely beautiful and full of history. I’m a full-time university student, so by day you will usually find me reading long essays about political science and foreign affairs. There aren’t too many contact hours involved in my course, so I manage to fit plenty of travel and work into my schedule – I’m certainly never bored.

1.Girl V/S Globe Does It Intended For Some Reason. Can You Please Explain It?

Girl vs Globe” is an online travel journal of sorts. It follows me around the planet and I use it to document my many existential struggles and globetrotting adventures. The ultimate aim is to make someone laugh and show them a bit more of the beautiful world we live in.

2.What Kind Tour You Prefer?

I’m very independent and prefer to sight see at my own leisure, rather than be chaperoned around. I like to mix sightseeing, relaxation and adventure – usually with heavy emphasis on the last part.

3.You Have Passion For Fashion, So How Do You Reveal At Your Travel?

Staying stylish on the road can get a little tricky, as you are very limited in your outfit choices. But I love the challenge – I plan my outfits before packing and make sure all the pieces match. I love playing dress up and living out of a suitcase is just a fun way to make it a little more challenging.

4.Do You Like To Explore About Tradition And Culture Of The Destination You Are Visiting?

There’s nothing I love more! Exploring new cultures is probably the main reason why I love travelling – from living with the Berber people in Morocco to making dumplings with a Chinese family in Beijing, I always try to explore how other people live. Learning about their ways of life always enhances my own as I try to adopt the foreign customs and traditions which most appeal to me.

5.You Are Foodie? So What Do You Do When You Taste Something New, Do You Seek To Learn It?

I love cooking and trying out new recipes, so whenever I find a new food I like I try to recreate it at home. As I mentioned in my previous answer, I’ve learned how to make dumplings in China, cooked bread and tagline in Morocco and I tried my hand at preparing many other local dishes during my travels. I love going to food markets and grocery stores in all the places I visit – I think they give you a real insight into people’s lives.

6.What Do You Do When See A Handsome Men As You Are Slightly Partial To Them? Like I Am When Fascinate To See Gorgeous Girl Like You And Try To Take An Interview?

It’s obviously a bit of a joke, but handsome men definitely make travelling even more enjoyable than it would be without them. Falling in love with an amazing person from another part of the world is the best way of exploring a new culture!

7.What Do You Think About India I Would Like To Hear Unbiased Thought? Have You Ever Been To India?

I’ve never been to India, but it’s definitely a place I’d like to visit. I am a bit scared of tackling the country as a solo female traveller, but having worked in the media I know that a lot of what we hear on the news is just fear-mongering and exaggeration. India is certainly on my to-see list for the future – it’s such a fascinating, huge country and I don’t think one could ever fully understand the world without learning about India.

8.Tell About One Of Your Favorite Travel Destinations You Have Made So Far And Why?

I’m going to have to say Beijing – I absolutely fell in love with the Chinese capital during my month-long stay. It was my first time in China and I was mesmerized by how different the local culture is from anything I’d ever seen before. I definitely want to return to Asia as soon as possible!

9.What Message Would You Like To Give Us?

There’s a quote in “The Beach” by Alex Garland – one of my favorite novels of all time – that I always like to share. “If I’d learnt one thing from travelling,” he writes, “it was that the way to get things done was to go ahead and do them. Don’t talk about going to Borneo. Book a ticket, get a visa, pack a bag, and it just happens.” So that’s my advice – stop thinking and start doing, because it’s always easier than you make yourself believe. If you need any more inspiration, check out my “5 Lies People Tell You about Travel” and go find your passport!

Deepak Patel
Hi, I am Deepak Patel, An Indian travel blogger. Like the name of my blog, I always seek for some thrilling travel experienced, especially in undiscovered places of India. My objective is to show you all the real ancient India which possess lots of historical wealth that we should know about. Whatever, I achieved through my travels, I share with my readers to let them have a better knowledge about the real, untouched natural and historical beauty of the my land India.