Sikkim Culture Tradition

Sikkim is the small province of India in the North East periphery where the different kinds of people inhabit. Sikkim has been protected under surveillance of world’s highest mountain Khangchendzonga whose height is 8585 meter from the sea level. This mountain has assumed as revered deity to the locale of Sikkim.

Sikkim People Caste And Creed

The people belong to different caste and creed. Lepcha, a kind of current Sikkim inhabitant, migrate from Tibet occurs in a massive number of Sikkim civilization. Other caste people i.e. Bhutia, who comes from Tibet in the 15 century and becomes the civilians of this state. Nepali, descendant of the Hindu, makes the shadow of umbrella under this pretty state. According to the metric analysis of population the percentage of Lepcha is 13, Bhutia is 16% and Nepali is 13%.

Sikkim Language

Nepali is the official language of this north-east province Sikkim (Sikkimese). You will see the zero sign of Hindi Language while the prevalent sets of language are Kafle, Lepcha, Limbu and many others.

Sikkim Culture, Tradition and Food

I heard from my north eastern friends as I am always curious to know about their culture and tradition. They have their food synonyms lunch and dinner early as compared to another part of India. The most adopted time for Dinner has done before 8 O’ clocks which suits best according to Ayurvedic life style of our country and provides the least to become ill. The main crop of Sikkim is rice. So, most of the people are fond of rice eater. Alcoholic drinks are consumed by the Sikkim’s men & women both but women have no hesitation to take it publicly. Different species has changed the tongue’s but according to tradition of their ancestors Bhutia gives priority to eat beef emphatically. Generally, Marwari men are swallowing Momos and Thupka.

Sikkimese are big traditional people it can be seen in their festivals. They have different dancing and dressing style and sweet talking behavior. They love to follow their tradition and it can seen in all of their work.

Sikkim Lifestyle

Folks are so trendy in the urban area that they follow full western style and rural area’s people stays in own ancestor style (Most of them are tribal’s). The men of Sikkim wear Thokro Dum which involves that contains the white pyjama. Women wear the Dumvum as well as Dumdyam. Kho and Bhaku have weared by the women. Many jewelers has adopted on the beautiful body of women that increase their beauty at any rate. Bulaki is used as nose ring, Diu a Gold Bangle and Joko is the ring draped around the fingers. Pharia is the symbol that particular women are married or not. It is a traditional saree that has sophisticated shades of color and true Indian tradition. The identification of married women in other state is measured to see vermillion in their head. Frequently,

It is myth that wife has to go their husband house but Sikkim men have settled with their wife after marriage.

Deepak Patel
Hi, I am Deepak Patel, An Indian travel blogger. Like the name of my blog, I always seek for some thrilling travel experienced, especially in undiscovered places of India. My objective is to show you all the real ancient India which possess lots of historical wealth that we should know about. Whatever, I achieved through my travels, I share with my readers to let them have a better knowledge about the real, untouched natural and historical beauty of the my land India.


  1. Super fascinating culture Deepak. India is so big that the sub cultures in the place astound me. It is like having thousands and thousands of countries and cultures inside of one country, when you begin breaking down neat differences in villages, etc. I love it and cannot wait to return.


  2. Ryan, you are always welcome to India. Yes, you are right India is a land of different culture and tradition and Sikkim is one them from North East India. That’s why India is called an Incredible India. Whenever you revisit to India I would like cover your travel story at my blog.

    Thank you


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